We have a three year guarantee that you as a customer have by law. Any defect in an item must be reported as soon as possible, or as soon as the defect should have been discovered, within a reasonable time (2 months). If you have regretted your purchase, you should make a return, see our return policy here.

If you notice an error on your item, you need to contact us at sales@bodssy.com. Contact us with your order number, description and a video/image of the problem.

Warranty and right of complaint only applies on presentation of receipt, for example order number. In order for Bodssy to be responsible for the defect in the product, it is required that the defect is original, i.e. it was already there when you bought the product (manufacturing defect). Bodssy is not responsible for errors that occur due to normal wear and tear. We also do not replace cosmetic defects that may occur during normal use and external influences/wear and tear.

Bodssy is not responsible for errors that occur due to negligence, for example if the error occurs due to failure to follow our cleaning and maintenance instructions.

We reserve the right to remedy the fault in the first place, redelivery of the product in the second place and refund in the last place.